Project Learning Tree

What is Project Learning Tree?

Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an award-winning environmental education program designed for and by educators working with students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The program uses the forest as a "window" on the natural world, helping to focus awareness and knowledge of all aspects of the environment, and our place within it. PLT helps prepare students to make informed decisions about conservation practices and natural resource use by practicing problem solving and critical thinking skills.


PreK-8 Activity Guide

PLT's new and revised activity guide offers a comprehensive environmental curriculum, which encompasses land, air and water. It is local, national and global in scope.

  • contains 96 lessons with variations and extensions
  • organized into storylines within thematic chapters
  • includes background material and directions for teachers
  • contains suggestions for subject integration and assessment

Early Childhood

This new PLT guide expands on several activities in the PreK-8 activity guide and includes many new experiences designed especially for children ages 3-6

Secondary Topic Specific Modules (Grades 9-12)

PLT has materials available for secondary teachers. These materials are available in a series of topic specific modules. The following modules are currently available through workshops:

Exploring Environmental Issues:

  • Focus on Forests
  • Places We live

Correlation to State and Common Core State Standards

Project Learning Tree's materials have been correlated to Alaska's Content Standards as well as the National Science and Social Studies standards. The Alaska Correlations are available in hard copy or on our Correlations website. The Common Core State Standard correlations are available on PLT's national website

How do I get PLT Materials?

You can obtain Project Learning Tree's materials by attending a training workshop. At the training workshop, you will learn how easy it is to incorporate PLT's action-oriented activities into your current lesson plans and curriculum. You will have the opportunity to meet other professionals in your area who are interested in environmental education. Workshops can be scheduled for your building, school district or community.

Types of PLT Workshops

Educator's Workshop PreK - 8

  • minimum of 6 hrs.
  • introduction to PLT curriculum framework
  • participate in hands-on activities indoors and out
  • information about resources available locally and statewide
  • preparation for using activities in own setting
  • Materials and Workshop fees: $50 per participant

Educator's Workshop Secondary Modules

  • Similar workshop format as above, but focusing on one or more secondary modules
  • Minimum of 4 hrs.
  • Materials and Workshop fees: $50 per participant

Credit Course:

Graduate level credit courses can be arranged for both the elementary and  secondary workshops.

  • 1 graded graduate level credit
  • Minimum: 15 hrs. contact time of instruction
  • Required project and/or paper
  • Materials and Workshop fees: $50 per participant (does not include credit fee)
  • Credit fee: varies due to local arrangement through school district and university

Upcoming Workshops

Currently there are no workshops scheduled. Please call if you wish to schedule a workshop with a minimum of 6 participants, please call us at 907-479-1213 x 105

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