High Tunnel Agriculture
Resource Links & Informative Reading
General High Tunnel Reading
1. High Tunnels - Using low-cost technology to increase yields, improve quality and extend the growing season. Blomgren and Frisch. 2007. 74pp.
Click here for the paper summary
2. High Tunnel Farming (North Carolina). Sanjun Gu. 2021. 68pp.
Click here for the paper summary
3. The Use of High Tunnels to Produce Fruit and Vegetable Crops in North America. Janke et al. 2017. 23pp.
4. High Tunnels for Local Food Systems: Subsidies, Equity, and Profitability. Foust-Meyer and O'Rourke. 2015. 9pp.
5. Overview of the Use of High Tunnels Worldwide. William J. Lamont Jr. 2009. 5pp.
Technical Articles
1. Exploring Overwintered Cover Crops as a Soil Management Tool in Upper-midwest High Tunnels. Perkus et al. 2022. 9pp.
2. Rowcover and High Tunnel Growing Systems in the United States. Wells. 1996. 4pp.
3. Northern field production of leaf and romaine lettuce using a high tunnel. Rader. 2006. 6pp.
NRCS Alaska
Seasonal High Tunnel Frequently Asked Questions
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High Tunnel Funding Announcement
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Controlling the High Tunnel Environment
Click here for link to paper (scroll down to 'Technical Assistance Publications')
Planting in a High Tunnel
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