Soil Nutrient Testing Program


Soil Nutrient Testing Program

Our soil testing program analyzes the nutrients of your soil; we then use that information to create customized fertilizer recommendations to maximize soil fertility and plant health! Soil tests will analyze pH, macro and micro nutrients, organic matter content, and other properties of your soil. Fairbanks SWCD interpretation services are presently free, but there is a $40 charge for each soil sample to cover the laboratory fee and shipping.

Steps to receive soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations

  1. Sign-up as a FSWCD Cooperator (if you haven't already)

  2. Collect soil samples. If you have not collected a soil sample before or you're not sure how, click here for information or call Fairbanks SWCD for instructions

  3. Fill out a soil sample information sheet with all of the relevant information

  4. Drop them off at Fairbanks SWCD office and pay the $40 charge.

  5. Samples will be prepared (dried and sieved) and sent to a soil analytical laboratory for analysis and a few days later we'll get the results

  6. Fairbanks SWCD's technical staff will interpret the soil analysis and prepare fertilizer recommendations that will be mailed or emailed to you.

  7. You apply fertilizer/amendments at recommended levels

Soils of the Fairbanks Area

Hardcopies are available at the FSWCD Office by request. To download the large format .pdf just click in the picture below.

Soils of Local Importance

Our district includes portions of the Greater Fairbanks, Tochaket, North Star, Fort Wainwright, and Greater Nenana Soil Survey Areas. Soils of Local Importance consist of those soil units that have the best properties for farmland within the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District boundary. It does not represent all farmland soils, only the best. Urban or built-up areas of the soil units listed are not considered important farmland.

Soils of Local Importance_pic

More Information

Web Soil Survey

An image of a brochure titled: Web Soil Survey, define, view, explore, check out
Find out what soils you have with Web Soil Survey

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