
Fairbanks Soil & Water Conservation District supports the conservation of forest resources by providing the following programs:


Woodlot Walks (hope to resume in 2026)

FSWCD staff can visit your property to assist you with forest management and forest health concerns. These are brief site visits, lasting from 15 minutes to several hours. Common concerns include:

  • Improving home fire safety and defensible space from wildfires
  • Assessing tree and forest health
  • Selecting species for restoration, erosion control, or hedges
  • Small scale forest management plans (less than 7 acres)

Forestry Education

Project Learning Tree curricula are used by FSWCD staff to teach forestry lessons. We also participate in educational events for kids such as Outdoor Days and Arbor Day. For more information about Project Learning Tree, click here.

Forest Management Plans (hope to resume in 2026)

FSWCD develops forest management plans (as staff time allows) for cooperators on property approximately 7 acres or larger. Forest management plans can include a forest inventory, harvesting prescription, assessment of wildlife habitat, firebreak or fuels treatments, soils description, and other information specifically requested.

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Annual Tree and Shrub Sale

Every spring, we sell conservation sized bare-root seedlings to the public and our cooperators. We try to provide as many local varieties as possible, and all of the plants sold are hardy species that will do well in our area. Many are native to Alaska or provide beneficial services such as wildlife food and habitat.

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