
Water Quality Monitoring Training for Placer Miners

FSWCD is partnering with DEC to provide training to Fairbanks area placer miners. The training will include:
Permit requirements
Best Management Practices
Riparian restoration
Monitoring methods and use of monitoring equipment

This training is FREE and will be held in the Noel Wien library auditorium on April 19th, 1-5-pm.

For more information, contact amber at amber.fswcd@gmail.com or 907-479-1213 x107.

Water Monitoring
Water Monitoring

Make the Most of the Rain: Construct a Green Infrastructure Project

Green infrastructure is an approach to wet weather management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Green Infrastructure management approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrologies. Green infrastructure practices include rain gardens, porous pavements, green roofs, infiltration planters, trees and tree boxes, and rainwater harvesting for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing and landscape irrigation.

FSWCD worked in cooperation with other agencies to update and revise the Green Infrastructure Resource Guide for Fairbanks, Alaska in 2015.  For more green infrastructure guides please visit our green infrastructure page!

For More information see our flyers below and visit Cold Climate Housing Research Center, Anchorage's Rain Garden, and the EPA

One of the new bridges on Chena Slough in place
One of the new bridges on Chena Slough in place
New bridge under construction
New bridge under construction

Chena Slough Restoration

The efforts to improve Chena Slough are cooperative projects of several organizations and agencies, including Fairbanks SWCD, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Geological Survery, State of Alaska, City of North Pole, US Environmental Protection Agency, neighborhood groups and other local clubs, organizations and individuals.

Recent efforts include upgrading Persinger crossing and removal of the invasive aquatic Elodea.

Persinger crossing was upgraded to improve fish passage for the Chena Slough. This project was completed with funding from the US Fish & Wildlife Service and State of Alaska Legislative funding. Additional partners included the Chena Slough Technical and Neighborhood Committees. FSWCD has helped replace 8 culverts on Chena Slough and the long-term goal is to replace 3 more. Culvert replacement is just one of the many ways in which FSWCD is working to restore the waterways in our district.

First water in new Persinger culvert
First water in new Persinger culvert
Fairbanks SWCD board member Jerry Norum watches as a new bridge goes in.
Fairbanks SWCD board member Jerry Norum watches as a new bridge goes in.
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